День рождения в Океанариуме
Wednesday, August 26 2015, 00:56
Category: Photos, Tags:

Меня не напрягало никакое число: 30 - пустяк, 31 - пустяк, 33 - прошуршала какая-то мысль про Иисуса и Илью Муромца...

Но "35" - это почему-то задело. В этом есть что-то такое, что как-то обязаывает, с чем я не хочу соглашаться. Я вдруг стал грустно смотреть внутрь себя с мыслью: "А годы-то летят!". Нельзя сказать, что от этой мысли мне есть какая-то польза, но пусть будет. Годы ведь действительно идут. Идеи детства я точно запорол: звездолёт не построил, умело самоутверждаться если и умею, то не всем результат понятен. Оглянулся вокруг: у меня ничего особенного не произошло, у других в моём возрасте - тоже. Многие достигли очень многого даже к 35 годам: Македонский, например. Но он даже успел покинуть бренный мир. Так что - паритет.

Я вывел прекрасную формулу отдыха: не делал весь день ничего, не устраивал никаких встреч. А просто пошёл с Машей в Океанариум и просто гулять.

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Ботанический сад Петербурга в 2015-м году: открытие Водного павильона
Saturday, August 22 2015, 20:17
Category: Photos, Tags:

Надеюсь, дело не только в 300-летнем юбилее: Ботанический сад становится лучше и лучше. Юношеские воспоминания - воспоминания об оранжереях с их сказочной атмосферой, но ещё это воспоминания о запущенном саде и ржавчине.

Но несколько последних лет Сад демонстрирует всё новые явления из тех, что вообще можно ассоциировать с парком: розарий, японский сад, аллея сирени. Они даже открыли вход и кассу со стороны Карповки, теперь не надо обходить длинный забор. Немыслимое преобразование, это казалось невозможным.

На этот раз посетители ломятся во вновь открытый Водный павильон, о существовании которого я, например, даже не знал. Хотя захаживал в парк на протяжении 30 лет. И павильон хорош: этакий большой бассейн, забитый растениями, в воде даже плавают какие-то рыбки. Разумеется, с экскурсией и объяснением: ботаники же.

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Май 2014
Wednesday, May 21 2014, 22:03
Category: Photos, Tags:

Май выдался особенным: началось всё с холода и заморозков. Благодаря им, во-первых, не цветёт каштан во дворе. Хорошо, что сейчас зацвели яблоня и сирень, но не каштан: бутоны выморозило. Во-вторых, будто и не весна вовсе: солнце светило дерзко, смело и бессмысленно, но холодный ветер не остановить. 

В-третьих, я уже несколько раз пытаюсь вырастить рассаду на балконе: на улицу выставил - выклевали голуби (да-да, их все любят, особенно я; но они тут прикормленные какими-то бабушками-зомби). После этого на балконе появились заграждения из верёвочек. Высадил опять - вымерзла. Высадил в комнате - вытянулась. Было весело, да.

Потом вдруг резко, за пару дней, пришло нормальное такое лето: зелень зеленеет, сирень цветёт, на улице жарко, жители толпами гуляют по улицам и паркам. За несколько дней легко привыкаешь, но сердце-то помнит! :)

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Просто так
Tuesday, May 28 2013, 21:10
Category: Photos, Tags:
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Кстати, с тех пор, как забросил идею работать только с ручным фокусом, с тех пор жизнь стала как-то проще.

  1. Работал с ручным фокусом, потому что все эти фотографические штуки - просто игра и спорт. Кто-то малюет стиль "a la Instagram", кто-то снимает на просроченную ч/б плёнку, а я использую только 50мм и только с ручным фокусом. Использовал, в смысле. Ограничения моего стиля не больше портят результат, чем идиотское вьентирование или выкручивание цветов "под Polaroid" у других.
  2. Забил на ручной фокус, потому что слишком грустно стало от мутных фотографий. А с таким окуляром, как у моего фота, да ещё и при распахнутой на 1.4 диафрагме быстрая фокусировка становится похожа на забивание гвоздей эскаваторным ковшом.
Немая реклама моего места работы. Офис "Siber Systems" в Петербурге. Вместо курилки, которой у нас как раз нет.
Какие-то финны, рубящие нечто, похожее на кантри. Вы поймёте, почему я тут вам показываю этот снимок, если действительно вдумаетесь в ситуацию: кантри на финском.
Mars Field and the opening of Summer Square
Saturday, July 21 2012, 22:54
Category: Photos, Tags: Russia Saint Petersburg
Finally, after years of reconstruction, our Summer Square is opened for visitors. Before, it was closed after some incidents. Now, it is opened with lots of changes: all sculptures are substituted by their copies, four fountains are created at new, many bushes are renewed, etc. I think, the square is given a new life, it is much more interesting than before (forever, the modern view is affirmed to be closer to the original square vanished many years ago). It is great to visit! There are some photos about.

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Cheated elections for the Russian Parliament and the Parlament of Saint Peterburg
Tuesday, January 10 2012, 21:36
Category: Photos, Tags: Petrogradskiy district Russia Saint Petersburg
I acted as an official observer during the last election.

In order to shrink expenses, the most cities and regions of Russia had 2 simultaneous elections: the overall election for the Parliament and a local one for local parliament. So did we.

In common, it was the worst election ever happened in Russia: lots of lies, cheaters. Observers were turned out at many districts. I heard how Medvedev congratulated Putin on their glory right after the election had stopped, no conclusions could be made so early.

Then these strange, rude words of Kremlin about the absence of violations, this silence on TV and newspapers after overcrowded rallies. Putin with his boorishness, Medvedev disappeared after speaking unreal thoughts 'I am sure all these video tapes from witnesses were fabricated'. What a surprise, when did he manage to become so acute? After all these years of 'somehow intelligent' and 'somehow open-minded' person, he glanced with his real face.

Lots of rallies, nothing in result. I am afraid, we will face dark long times soon: Pitin will take the chair again, becoming the most longing (and repulsive) ruler of Russia.

- I have two news for you, mister Putin.
- Let's start with the better one.
- You've won the election.
- Right.... But what is the worse one?
- Nobody's voted for you.

There are photos took before, during and after the election.

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Ladoga, Ladozhskoe lake.
Wednesday, October 5 2011, 01:30
Category: Photos, Tags: friends Nature Russia Saint Petersburg
Sometimes, one time per year or less, I go to the special ride to countryside: to Ladoga, where my old friends have their place in the forest, upon the rocks.

There is something special about it: interesting people seen by me during almost 10 years, their changes, brilliant nature.

 Camp hookah. Very small, very effective, very handy. :)
There were such a lots of mushrooms, even me could find some good and clear ones. Others found lots during short walks.
Ladoga, summer, nowhere, for doing nothing.
My friends.
Friends' child. 2 years after I saw her for the last time.
More stories from Saint Petersburg, Russia
Sunday, September 25 2011, 21:34
Category: Photos, Tags: friends Russia Saint Petersburg
Every time I ask to cut my hair a bit shorter, I have a look of criminal.
Let it be: I look like a criminal. :)
'Ratha yatra' Hindu festival in Saint Petersburg.

Garden in New Holland exhibition, Saint Petersburg.
Lampushka festival in forest.
Archstoyanie festival in Yaroslavskaya objalst.

Inna Zinina.


Sunny days of our summer
Friday, August 12 2011, 02:39
Category: Photos, Tags: growing Petrogradskiy district Russia Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg is not a warm city, it is why I love sun and, as many people around, wait for that.

Anyway, it is going to be finished soon: all these strong wind, rains, shops with watermelons in the streets... One more summer behind me. I hope, it was nice and was taken with all its pieces.

Somebody decided that their street should be filled with music in those early days of June. It is one of that ancient luxurious combined devices from USSR, I would like to have one. It can play radio, records.
Poplar wool around the Petrogradskiy district of Saint Petersburg (my house is a bit to the right). It was taken during my way from office.
Day of Pushkin city in suburbs of Saint Petersburg.
I visited the most eccentric part of the festival, I suppose.
Petropavlovskaya fortress, this people is trying to take sun baths.

Flowers in my balcony. I am proud a bit to grow these nasturtiums.
Old flowers born in the cold November under the artificial and wrong light of my mercury lamps (yes, they survived in the winter, when I was in Morocco).
Let our streets be more pleasant and full of beauty! Let us forget about grey and boring empty balconies!
Summer comes to Saint Petersburg
Tuesday, June 28 2011, 00:35
Category: Photos, Tags: Nature Petrogradskiy district Saint Petersburg Skiing
There are not so many hot days in our summer of Saint Petersburg. Of course, like it anyway: its breath, its mood. People tries to be happy, calm. Summertime means many walks in the city, travels around the city.

Skiing is not very populare in summer, but here you can se an addictive person. :)
Really, trees.
Poplar wool frying around the city.
I love to hate pigeons!

Life after my return from Morocco
Sunday, June 19 2011, 14:12
Category: Photos, Tags: Casa Latina dance school friends Petrogradskiy district pigeons Saint Petersburg

There are 5 months since I returned from Morocco to my native city of Saint Petersburg, Russia.

There is something strange about feeling last months: some old friends have gone, some other friends have come. I am changing my life style, habits. It is something to do with my age crisis, maybe. The most thing I care about is not loosing myself and not becoming that boring patient worker/consumer that things quite plain thoughts about money, family.

It is something substituting a normal door to the men' changing room in my home dance studio, Casa Latina. Many people went throuth this door, many people scared this door, too.
Shake it, shake it!
A bridge in Saint Petersburg, early springtime.
That is a local Armageddon in Gorohovaya ulitsa, in the center of Saint Petersburg. It is under reconstruction and looks just great!
One of the cute traditions of Casa Latina: an evening with perfomances from everybody who would like to do them.
Ugly pigeons rinse their ugly bodies in the dirty paddle. Yes, I love city pigeons very much.
I have moved to Petrogradskiy district of Saint Petersburg. It is an island, actually. Full of joy, funny people, small pubs, etc.
It is Erarta exhibition hall, a new place in Saint Petersburg. It is not the whole Erarta, just a piece of some exhibit.
A neighbour of the thing above.
Green house
Tuesday, September 21 2010, 20:20
Category: Photos, Tags: growing
I just left some wild weeds to grow. One of them was finally identified as an alder tree. :)
No, I could not leave it here and moved it to the quarter where I live, in neighbourhood to other trees.Some laisy flower that made only one flower, naturally. It is what happens if it wants more sun light. Sorry, only 125W of mercury lamps.

Just about being unemployed
Thursday, August 19 2010, 22:35
Category: Photos, Tags: cooking friends

The life is brilliant.

Even when I have finally decided to find any part time job. :)

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Just me :)
Thursday, August 5 2010, 16:31
Category: Photos, Tags:
Let's enjoy my crazy faces. The photos were taken at the picnic with my friend from the university.

Summer 2010 in pictures
Tuesday, July 27 2010, 14:33
Category: Photos, Tags: friends Saint Petersburg
I'm sitting in the square in the middle of workday (I am unemployed). Drinking beer, listening to salsa music. Great rest...
The hot weather has came to Saint Petersburg. Hot winds, boats, cars and hopes to find a shade.
The great and fearless trip to the Oreshek fortress (is seen in the right side). We missed the fact that the way to fortress was up stream. Yeah, the terrible way back was against the current and exhausted me a lot.
Man's rest :)
Girl's work! :)

News from Saint Petersburg
Thursday, July 8 2010, 00:16
Category: Photos, Tags: Saint Petersburg
Just two shots from my city of Saint Petersburg made last days.
The famous city new-made copy of the historical building.

Actually, we have very big historical center and lots of arguments about how is it stored, how is rebuilt, etc. It is great.

And this is an example of 'why do not I allways support the opposition with their care about old buildings': yes, this building was destroyed to be raised at new (it is not a 'repairing' in terms of the restorers); but it does not have any 'modern pieces' claimed by the opposition as 'disgusting', etc.

Should me or other people support these guys blindly? It is not a question if we should care about the historical sight of Saint Petersburg: we should, of course.
Just a very rare case when I get my own picture. Is is an swing open-air.

P.S. The swing is a style of dance. :)
Baltiyskaya biennale
Tuesday, July 6 2010, 13:23
Category: Photos, Tags: Saint Petersburg

The series of exhibitions going in several halls of Saint Petersburg. They collect new pieces of art from Russia and some Scandinavian countries. It is a good opportunity to meet their culture life without rushing around Europe.

As I understand, I have missed all exhibitions instead of the first one. And, as far as I use my only and favorite 50mm lenses, my favorite style is 'try to catch an interesting detail, you can not fit the whole object anyway'. :)

Mostly, the modern art frightens my. I do not understand its rough lines, objects, ideas.
These pictures was just depressive. :)
White porcelain with red spots is magnificent if you watch it live.

What would I say, the Russian pieces of art were quite optimistic.
Indeed, the actual art of Saint Petersburg is dark and depressive (the city of madness, historically).
I do not understand the Finnish art. Probably, it was the reason why did not they grant my finnish visa the last time.

Monday, June 21 2010, 01:42
Category: Photos, Tags: friends Saint Petersburg
Just a day of May :)
Alyona... Quite funny English spelling. Her name is simpler in Russian.
They have been met from her childhood.
Small stories from April
Friday, May 28 2010, 17:30
Category: Photos, Tags: friends Saint Petersburg
The postcard, sent to me from Morocco by my friend. It is a marvelous moment to look into your mailbox and find a letter from some different, unknown world.
Sunny, spring morning on Saturday in my native city of Saint Petersburg.
Surely, somebody had a good party on last Friday night (hint: the blood at the glass).
The dance competition (lindy hop, fast lindy).
The same place, the same time. The different interest. :)
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